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Hello PortalSindo Friend, welcome to our comprehensive review of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed analysis of this insurance company, including its strengths and weaknesses, the services it offers, and its overall reputation in the industry. We hope that by the end of this review, you will have a better understanding of whether or not Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is the right choice for you.

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is a local insurance company that has been serving the Selma, California community for over 20 years. The company offers a wide range of insurance services, including auto, home, life, and business insurance. With its long-standing presence in the community, Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA has built a reputation for providing quality insurance products and excellent customer service.

Now, let’s dive into the details of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA and see what this insurance company has to offer.

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Strengths of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA

1. Local Knowledge and Experience

One of the biggest strengths of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is its local knowledge and experience. With over 20 years of experience serving the Selma community, the company has a deep understanding of the insurance needs of its customers. This allows them to provide personalized and tailored insurance solutions that meet the unique needs of their clients.

2. Wide Range of Insurance Products

Another strength of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is its wide range of insurance products. The company offers auto, home, life, and business insurance, as well as a variety of other insurance products. This allows customers to get all their insurance needs met in one place, which can be incredibly convenient.

3. Competitive Pricing

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA has a reputation for offering competitive pricing on its insurance products. This can be a significant advantage for customers looking to save money on their insurance premiums.

4. Excellent Customer Service

Customer service is a top priority for Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA. The company is known for its friendly and knowledgeable staff, who are always available to answer questions and provide assistance. This level of customer service can be invaluable when it comes to navigating the often-complicated world of insurance.

5. Flexible Payment Options

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers flexible payment options to its customers. This allows customers to choose a payment plan that works best for their budget and financial situation.

6. Easy Claims Process

The claims process with Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is straightforward and hassle-free. The company’s claims department is staffed by experienced professionals who can help customers navigate the claims process and get the compensation they deserve.

7. Online Account Management

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers an online account management system that allows customers to access their policy information, make payments, and file claims online. This can be a significant advantage for customers who prefer to manage their insurance accounts online.

Weaknesses of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA

1. Limited Availability

One of the biggest weaknesses of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is its limited availability. The company only serves the Selma, California area, which can be a disadvantage for customers who live outside of this area.

2. Limited Online Presence

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA has a limited online presence, which can be a disadvantage for customers who prefer to do business online. The company’s website is basic and does not offer much information about its services.

3. Limited Insurance Offerings

While Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers a wide range of insurance products, its offerings may be limited compared to larger insurance companies. This can be a disadvantage for customers who need more specialized insurance products.

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4. No Mobile App

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA does not offer a mobile app, which can be a disadvantage for customers who prefer to manage their insurance accounts on their mobile devices.

5. No 24/7 Customer Support

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA does not offer 24/7 customer support, which can be a disadvantage for customers who need assistance outside of regular business hours.

6. Limited Reviews

While Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA has been in business for over 20 years, it has limited reviews online. This can make it difficult for potential customers to gauge the company’s reputation and overall customer satisfaction.

7. No Live Chat Support

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA does not offer live chat support, which can be a disadvantage for customers who prefer to communicate with customer support via chat.

Services Offered by Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA

As mentioned earlier, Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers a wide range of insurance products, including:

1. Auto Insurance

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers auto insurance policies that provide coverage for liability, collision, and comprehensive damages. They also offer special coverage options for drivers with high-risk driving records.

2. Home Insurance

The company offers home insurance policies that provide coverage for damage to the home and personal property, as well as liability coverage. They also offer additional coverage options, such as flood insurance.

3. Life Insurance

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offers life insurance policies that provide financial protection for the policyholder’s loved ones in the event of their death. They offer both term and permanent life insurance options.

4. Business Insurance

The company offers business insurance policies that provide coverage for property damage, liability, and other risks associated with running a business. They also offer specialized coverage options for specific industries.

5. Other Insurance Products

In addition to the above insurance products, Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA also offers a variety of other insurance products, including motorcycle insurance, boat insurance, and RV insurance.

FAQs About Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA

1. What is Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA?

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is a local insurance company that has been serving the Selma, California community for over 20 years.

2. What types of insurance does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer?

The company offers a wide range of insurance products, including auto, home, life, and business insurance, as well as a variety of other insurance products.

3. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer competitive pricing?

Yes, the company has a reputation for offering competitive pricing on its insurance products.

4. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer online account management?

Yes, the company offers an online account management system that allows customers to access their policy information, make payments, and file claims online.

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5. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer mobile app support?

No, the company does not offer a mobile app.

6. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer 24/7 customer support?

No, the company does not offer 24/7 customer support.

7. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer live chat support?

No, the company does not offer live chat support.

8. What is the claims process like with Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA?

The claims process with Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is straightforward and hassle-free.

9. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer flood insurance?

Yes, the company offers flood insurance as an additional coverage option for home insurance policies.

10. What is the reputation of Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA in the industry?

Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA has a good reputation in the industry for providing quality insurance products and excellent customer service.

11. Does Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA offer specialized insurance products?

Yes, the company offers specialized insurance products for specific industries, such as business insurance for restaurants.

12. What is the payment process like with Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA?

The company offers flexible payment options to its customers.

13. What is the coverage like for high-risk drivers with Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA?

The company offers special coverage options for drivers with high-risk driving records.


Overall, Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA is a local insurance company that offers a wide range of insurance products and excellent customer service. While the company has some limitations, such as its limited availability and online presence, it may be a good choice for customers in the Selma, California area who are looking for personalized and tailored insurance solutions.

If you are interested in learning more about Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA, we encourage you to visit their website or contact them directly. Thank you for reading our comprehensive review, and we hope that it has been helpful in your search for the right insurance company.


This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or financial advice. The information contained in this article may be subject to change without notice, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions regarding insurance policies or other financial matters.

Company Name Robertson Guerra Insurance Selma CA
Location Selma, California
Years in Business Over 20 years
Insurance Offerings Auto, home, life, business, and other insurance products
Specialized Insurance Offerings High-risk driver coverage, flood insurance, specialized coverage for specific industries
Online Presence Basic website with limited information
Customer Support Available during regular business hours

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Last Update: 28 May 2023

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